Other books
The author has written, edited, and compiled other books; some are publicly available.
Fred assembled the data for a couple of books documenting the Vaughans’ thoroughbred horse breeding and racing operations. These detailed his wife Kay Vaughan’s successes as an award winning thoroughbred racehorse trainer. That information has been integrated into the book ‘They Called Her Wonder Woman’. It is the biography of the writer’s wife Kay Vaughan. It is a rather spectacular story told in win photos, press accounts, and comments by their children and friends and of how a woman from outside the industry rose to the top of her field. This volume is being made available to the public for the first time. The events in this books took place nearly a half century ago – a different era, but with continuing significance.
Publication of a book of Fred’s artwork has been made publicly available in the book titled ‘Sketches of My Life’ that includes artwork done from the time he was a young child and up to the present. The images in this book are available in the ‘Art gallery’ on this site where many hundreds of images are displayed.
An illustrated travel journal of a one month trip around the North and South islands of New Zealand is available here.
Fred has edited and compiled the works of the talented writer and artist E. E. Rehmus from the twenty volumes of the journal that Ed had kept for many years and bequeathed to Fred. The artwork included in this book has been provided as a separate gallery on this site.
Fred had encouraged his parents to write about their lives, which he published in the volume ‘Jim Vaughan and His Family’ that includes a family album and genealogy; this volume is only being made available on request to family and immediate friends of the family.
In addition Fred edited books for the Prometheus Society and the blog ‘Reason and Rhyme’, which may still be available elsewhere.
He may someday publish a memoir and a volume of his short stories and essays.