August 2024


There are days or conversations, I don’t know which or whether it’s one or both, when we refuse to engage. We walk down aisles whether in actuality as in…Read more

Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man – Episode Three

Since learning when I was well into my seventies that the author, James Joyce who wrote Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man died on the very day…Read more

Crashing the Particle Physics Party Line on Neutrinos, Weak Bosons, and Everything Else

(This post is just the introduction and summary description of the article of this same name that has been placed on this site under the ‘NeoClassical Field Theory Papers’…Read more

The Party Line on Neutrinos

An isolated neutron no will decay in about 881.5 seconds into a proton p+, an electron e–, and an antineutrino 𝜈.  This is shown in figure 1, where the…Read more