Transaction Analysis as the Legitimate Basis for Physical theories

In scientific terms a transaction involves the indivisible exchange of energy between two entities, of which we need be less precise.  During this exchange there is no loss of energy, although the reversibility of the exchange may be revoked, because the difference in energy between the ends of the exchange may become too small to support further exchanges.  The archetypical example is the exchange of a photon between atoms.  The exchange is initiated by the emission of a photon from one atom and absorption by the other.

Observation, whether in some laboratory apparatus or in the un-instrumented detection of naturally occurring events involves collecting information on events that constitute the transmission of energy from one object and its absorption by another.  This can be the emission from the apparatus of one ‘observer’ and the detection by the apparatus of another as formulated theoretically in relativity theories or detection of secondary transactions by a single observer as formulated theoretically for the less directly observed transactions between external entities in physical theories of material interaction.  Quantum aspects play a major role in the nature of all transactions.

The effectiveness of transaction analysis to theoretical physics is demonstrated by articles and books included or referenced on this web site. 

Revised theories based on transaction analyses generally account for experimental observations better than the previously accepted theories, with significant advantages accruing in philosophical domains of epistemology.  The primary difference in the transaction approach is that rather than pontificating on the nature of all of reality of which we know too little, it focuses on the interactions that inform us of reality and specifically on the nature of specific interactions about which we then generalize.  It is, after all, these interactions that are the sum total of experimental justifications of theory.  It is in general the transmission of electromagnetic radiation between an emitter and an absorber that determines behavior in situations of relative motion rather than an obscurely caused effect of a one-sided perception of a spacetime relationship.  Generalized relationships can only be established by induction from the specific transactions.

Transaction analysis has been used to address issues in thermodynamics, relativity, and cosmology.  In addition, the theory of quantum mechanics has previously addressed in this manner by John Cramer’s Transaction Interpretation.  Einstein’s Quantum theory of radiation also employed transaction analysis in deriving the blackbody radiation distribution of energies.

On this website I have presented many articles and reference volumes detailing the resolution of previously unresolved, or awkwardly addressed, dilemmas in physics.  These include resolution of effects that precipitated dark matter conjectures without requiring non-baryonic matter, the origin of entropy in submicroscopic interactions, and relativistic physics based exclusively on visual observation rather than metaphysical conjectures.

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