
The Essential Question:

Einstein was uncomfortable with notions associated with an inherent uncertainty implied by the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics.  Whether we ourselves might ever know the precise locations and/or momenta…Read more

Inconsistencies and Incompatibilities Require Changes to Relativity

(written twenty years ago) As Einstein vehemently maintained, it is the very nature of light (now most completely described by quantum theories) that is at the heart of the…Read more

The Spacetime Interval

To clarify the rather obtuse nature of the spacetime interval, consider that its value to every event one could ever observe is zero.  A non-trivial spacetime interval is not…Read more

Metrics in Relativity

As we have seen, the measured geometrical relations of observed events for two such relatively moving observers inevitably produce incongruent reports of the same events.  Some sort of commensurability…Read more

Covariance of the Laws of Physics In Observational Relativity

Surely whatever constructs support a valid formulation of the laws of physics transportable from one observer’s frame of reference to that of others in different dynamical situations must be…Read more

Analysis Of Experimental Data Supposing To Confirm Clock Time Dilation

If one were to consider all the evidence for the supposed clock time dilation, it would fall into the general category of alterations in rates associated with the spontaneous…Read more

Formalization of Observational Relativity

Previous posts have focused on the relationship between observations of visual images that could be seen by two relatively moving observers in order to check the veracity of claims…Read more

Requisite Revisitation of Relativity Part II: Admitting Misalignment

The object of science is to design experiments or use observations of natural phenomena in a sincere attempt to refute conjectures – not to confirm them, as eloquently delineated…Read more

Requisite Revisitation of Relativity Part I: Removing Restrictions on Observation

Subsequent to Einstein’s presentation of his theory over a century ago, a certain amount of dogma has accreted to it including a strange and quite inappropriate redefinition of observation…Read more

Frame Independence in Relativity

Despite apparent differences between observations made by observers in relative motion, when in coincidence any and every observer is witness to the same events independent of their relative velocities…Read more