There are some issues we need to get out of the way. I suppose “we” refers primarily to “me” but that is what it is. The way we see…Read more
When things go wrong – AND THEY DO – it’s sometimes nice to remember that we’re not privy to the ‘big picture’ for which things might just be going…Read more
Bill Davidson was a lawyer who decided to become a painter upon retirement. He has put out a video of his techniques (which I have not watched BTW) for…Read more
So what is a muse? How does it motivate us to do what we do? I remember a comment made by Bill Laimbeer – a rather obnoxious dirty player…Read more
If one sees oneself as possessing a hammer, problems tend to become just a bunch of nails. If anything appears to confirm that the problem may, in fact, be…Read more
Request: Somebody have an idea for a conversation?…Read more